Usui Reiki Training

Shoden. Reiki Training - 1st Degree
Okuden. Reiki Training - Second Degree
The Second Degree of Reiki Training is conducted over a period of two full days.
Cost: £250 per student.
During the Second Degree of Reiki Training, you will be introduced to:
The Three Pillars of Reiki
The First Three Sacred Symbols of Reiki
How to use the Symbols
Your Second Degree Attunement
Distance Healing
Principles of Professional Practice
Introduction to the Concept of Professional Associations
Animal Reiki
The aim of 2nd Degree training is to introduce the student to the Sacred Symbols of Reiki
and to prepare the student for professional practice.
This 2nd Degree requires that Case Studies are made and presented prior to certification.
In order to undertake this 2nd Degree training course, the student must have previously completed
Usui Reiki First Degree training.
Shinpiden. Reiki Training - Third Degree (3a)
Master Practitioner
The Third Degree of Reiki Training is conducted over a period of two full days.
Cost: £350 per student.
During the 3rd Degree of Reiki Training, you will be introduced to:
The Reiki Master Symbol
Your Third Degree Attunement
Practical application of 'Still Point' Induction
Psychic Surgery
Introduction to Crystal Reiki
The aim of 3rd Degree Reiki Training is to introduce the student to the Sacred Master Symbol of Reiki,
to further develop professional practices and to re-affirm and strengthen the student's connection
to Universal Energy.
In order to engage in this training course, the student must have completed Usui Reiki 1st and 2nd Degree training
and have had experience of practice at those levels.